The public school system in Canada is vast. It is comprised of a network of provincial and regional boards that are free to adapt curriculum, allocate funding, and set degree requirements. Aside from a core curriculum, the public system offers additional programs based on need, interest, and what resources will allow: Catholic, First Nations, Francophone curricula and French immersion. Some boards offer specialty programs, including gifted, special needs, athletics, and performing arts.
Every year private schools in Canada attract thousands of students from all over the world as they offer high-quality education, combine traditional teaching methods with modern technology and comfortable living and studying conditions. The best schools in Canada allow students of any nationality to open doors for themselves to the world of higher education abroad, as well as to obtain a unique experience of living and learning in a foreign country. Canada is a country that understands the prospects and importance of introducing modern technologies in the educational process. This article will address the issues of studying in private schools in Canada for your child.
Private schools in Canada accept students from all over the world. The vast majority of private schools with boarding in Canada are very developed institutions in terms of infrastructure and the availability of experienced teachers. The Government of Canada understands the need to develop the education sector, in particular, secondary schools, so the amount of funding this area receives is significant – Canada is among the leaders among countries that pay so much attention to education.
Private schools allow children a safe place for children to learn and grow. The cost of private schools comes from the smaller classrooms which have teachers who focus more on the students and give each student more attention than public schools. On average children who attend private schools have a better academic outcome. These schools are over a third of the top-scoring schools on the Fraser ranking but only have 6 percent of Canadian children attending them.
There are three types of private school which include boarding schools that have students live and learn on their campus, the day school that has homestay which has students live with a host family and travel to the school every day and the final one which is the normal school that sees students live with their own family and attend the school like a public school. The private offers many programs like Advanced placements courses that help students get credits towards university courses and give a lot more support like tutors.
In Ontario, private schools operate as businesses or non-profit organizations independently of the Ministry of Education and by the legal requirements established by the Education Act. Unlike private schools in other provinces, they do not receive any funding or other financial support from the government.

While all private schools in Ontario must meet the same general requirements, additional requirements are imposed on private schools seeking the authority to grant credits toward the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
The Ministry does not regulate, licence, accredit or otherwise oversee the operation of private schools. Parents/guardians and students must do their research before registering for private schools.

The fact of the matter is that many can not afford the average 26,000 Canadian dollar tuition and this barrier means that for many people private schools are not worth it. This high cost for private schools also explains the low percentage of kids who attend private school at a messily 6 percent.

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